
Starbucks and Men In Black3!!

When I go to Starbucks, I always order black tea or frapuccino, but today I got vanilla frapuccino with white moca syrup.

Btw, do you know the starbucks reward card? I did not know that we can make card to get the rewards, but every my friends got a gold starbucks reward card! I guess it's only for America and Canada, but If you are in America or Canada and don't have a reward card, just go get it! It is available at starbucks and register on websites.
I really wanna get gold one and I have 1 year to go for graduate school in Hawaii, so I'll try to get it by next year May!

The first card for the register!

Oh, and one more thing! I watched Men In Black3 at this night in 3D!whoooo! It was sooooo nice! action, comedy and emotional!;) I recommend you to watch first one and second one too, cuz it has some same funny things from 1 and 2. 
I really like Tommy lee Jones. He appear in the Japanese coffee commercial too. Actually, It's funny because in the commercial, he is alien(out looking is human) who research human life or human thinking LOL
There are many type of commercial of this coffee(BOSS), and found the one translating in English.

Hope you enjoy!


  1. I totally want Starbucks now!

    1. :) Thank you for coming!
      You should have one!XD

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for comment!!
      I'll visit your blog!


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